Friday, June 17, 2011

Random here to save the day!

I feel that apologies are in order for our readers who come here and actually like Twilight, or are genuinely interested in it. We've given caveman summaries of the first two novels, and no thanks to Buffyrules, a little bit of bashing. So far we've covered the bases of those who know Twilight like the back of their hand, and possibly given the Anti's something to chuckle at. But what about the rest of you?

Well, you could just as easily go to Wikipedia or Amazon and look up the summary of Twilight, but those places don't tell you why this book has had such a huge impact on women (and maybe some men) of all ages. Why the world has gone crazy for Twilight-that's what I'm here for. I'm going to explain to the best of my abilities why people are so fascinated by this story.

Comic Edward is intrigued!

And here we go again!

Twilight is the story about one girl, a simple 17 year old girl with brown hair and brown eyes-what most people look like (hello dominant genes)-which makes her relatable. Twilight is mostly read by women, so I think it's safe to say that we've all been there; we've all been 17 at one point in our lives (or maybe we're getting there). We all know what it's like to start at a new school, whether it's because we've moved or we're moving up the scholastic ladder. We've all experienced that dread of the unknown: what if I'm late to class? What if no one likes me? What if I don't make any friends? Bella Swan is going through the same thing...only on a different level, she also has to deal with the thought of "Why is that attractive god of a man looking at me like he wants to eat me?"

I admit, that's not exactly how it goes, but those of you who are about to read this series will soon find out that Bella likes to talk about Edward's gloriousness quite a bit

But before Edward becomes "glorious" he is scary, why? Because he is a vampire! And sadly enough, Bella is cursed with delicious smelling blood, and Edward hasn't fed off of a human in years.

Let me take a quick moment here to explain Stephenie Meyer's version of vampires: they don't have fangs (which is a big complaint with vampire enthusiasts), the Sun doesn't burn them because their skin is like granite, so instead it makes them...sparkle....Also the usual stakes, holy water, garlic, etc. that normal vampires would run from-doesn't effect them at all. These vamps also have venom; like snakes they bite their prey and then infect them with their venom. If the vamp hasn't lost control and completely killed the person, eventually said person will become a vampire after the venom has gone through the body, taking up about three days.

Edward and his family, the Cullens (of which there are 7 of them in total) only eat the blood of animals, but Bella's blood smells so good that Edward goes crazy and leaves town for a few days just to get away from her and not massacre the entire school board

Bella, like any girl, thinks about him the whole time, wondering what his deal is and why he doesn't seem to like her (again who can relate to this? Me, for one thing)

Then of course comes the real kicker, the thing that sucks everyone in: the forbidden love

After Edward comes to know Bella (not through his special power which will be talked about later) he ends up falling for her. This of course causes an issue: he's a vampire, she's a human; he wants to eat her, she wants to eat his face with her lips; he's afraid of killing her, she wants him to so that they can be together forever.

It's a modern Romeo and Juliet, and we all know how popular that story is

Really what it comes down to is you have a girl who is just like every other girl in the world (maybe even just like you...unless you're a guy) who defies the odds and ends up winning the heart of a man (a vamp-man) who has spent his entire undead life just going through the motions. He's dead to the world until this girl comes into his life and shows him how to live again.

That to me, is an amazing story

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