The last time, I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was when I was in seventh grade which was about nine years ago. The first time I read it was when I was in the fourth grade. I’ve watched movie countless times but it is really, truly, magical to reread the first book that introduced me to my friends from Hogwarts. For those of you that have not read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, or even watched the movie, the next little part will have a bit of a spoiler. But, if you have read the book and seen the movie - I hope I give the book the justice it deserves.
We first meet Harry when he is dropped off at number 4 Privet Drive to live with his aunt, uncle, and cousin. These are his only living relatives. We learn that his parents were killed when the most powerful, and most feared, wizard - Lord Voldemort - came to their house in Godric’s Hollow. We don’t learn, until later books, the reasoning behind the decision to kill Harry and his parents. After killing parents, first his father then his mother, Voldemort turned to kill Harry. The curse failed. We later learn that the reason the curse failed to kill Harry has something to do with the fact that his mother died protecting him. Her love for her son, somehow, protected him. Time passes, as it always does, and we meet up with Harry again ten years later. He’s the black sheep of the family. His aunt and uncle use him as a servant basically and get very upset when things happen that are not normal. Eventually, Harry receives his letter to Hogwarts when Hagrid delivers it to him in person. Hagrid and Harry then go to Diagon Alley where Harry gets his books and supplies for school. The real fun starts once Harry arrives at school. During Halloween a troll gets into the school, Harry and Ron run-off to inform Hermione, who had been in the girl’s bathroom, that there is a troll in the school. They come across the troll and lock-it into a room. When they hear a scream Harry and Ron realize they locked it into the girl’s bathroom and they rush to save Hermione and, through teamwork, they come out unscathed. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are officially friends. During Christmas, Harry receives his father’s invisibility cloak. Around the same time, Hagrid comes into possession of a dragon’s egg and Malfoy finds out about it. Thankfully, Harry and Hermione are able to help Hagrid send the dragon, named Norbert, off to Ron’s brother Charlie in Romanian. However, the trio gets caught by Filch and they lose 150 points for Gryffindor - Neville also gets caught. Along with the lost points they are given detention that is served in the Forbidden Forest. Fast forward to the end of the term, once they have finished their exams, and they realize that Professor Snape is going to be going down the trapdoor that is guarding the Sorcerer’s Stone. Harry, Ron, and Hermione head off to try and keep Snape from getting the stone. Ron is injured in a game of wizard chess. Hermione helps Harry get through Snape’s protection detail on the stone before going back to help Ron and send word to Dumbledore. And, Harry goes on to find the stone without his friends. The shocker, at least for Harry, is that it isn’t Professor Snape that went after the stone. It is Professor Quirrell. We also learn that Lord Voldemort is alive, but just barely. He only has form when he shares another’s body and he is strengthened by unicorn’s blood. Harry ends up defeating Professor Quirrell and Lord Voldemort leaves Professor Quirrell to die. Dumbledore saves Harry. And, Harry comes to in the hospital/infirmary at Hogwarts. He is able to heal fully enough to attend the End of Term Feast where Slytherin is celebrating their House Cup victory. Dumbledore, however, gives some last minute points and Gryffindor wins the House Cup. Harry, Ron, and Hermione then go home and promise to keep in touch over the summer while Harry plans ways to tease/torment Dudley, his cousin, who doesn’t know he is not allowed to use magic outside of school.
The movie version, which came to theaters in November 2001, follows along with the basic plot. The acting is very good and I enjoy watching it to this day. My only complaint about the movie though is the fact that Daniel Radcliffe was cast as Harry Potter. Before you all jump to conclusions it should be mentioned that I love the acting done by all the actors and actresses. Why then do I wish Daniel Radcliffe hadn’t been cast as Harry Potter? Well, from sixth grade to eighth grade I had the unfortunate nickname of Harry Potter. Apparently, there was a very close resemblance between me and Daniel Radcliffe in our facial structure and voice. I could even pull off a British accent and quote the movie, at least Harry’s lines, word-for-word. It was great! Among friends and family. Then I entered high school and my peers grew up… somewhat. Now, you might be wondering why I’m telling you this… honestly, it makes me laugh now but when I was a middle-schooler it was hard to deal with especially considering the fact that I was, and still am, a girl. But, now… it’s just funny. Especially when you consider the fact that now Daniel Radcliffe and one of my brother’s could be twins, or at least siblings. Actually, scratch that… it’s just weird.
Because of the fact that our very own buffyrules01 did a 7 books in 7 days, I am going to include the time it took me to read this book - 3 hours 28 min. - as well as the other books in the series.
Until next time.
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