I didn't get to see Harry Potter the day it came out, but I was able to see it the next day, and I have to honest with all of you. When I came out of the theater I wasn't in complete awe of what just happened, or bawling my eyes out like I thought I would. Instead...dare I say it...I was disappointed.
Now, this could've been due to the fact that I had just finished reading the Deathly Hallows two days prior and the book was still fresh in my mind. But after a week, I saw it again today and I still didn't get any overwhelming sensations.
It could be that my expectations were exceedingly high for this movie. I mean, after all, it was the last one of the series and they did separate it into two movies to get as much of the book into the films as possible. Or it could've also been that with everyone's talk of its greatness I was anticipating being blown away by the movies end.
This is where I must put up my spoil alert for those who haven't seen the movie. Although, for those of you who have read the books, there's really nothing to spoil. For those of you who have seen the movie, but haven't touched the books, I BEG of you to go do it as soon as possible. Honestly, Deathly Hallows Part 2 did not do the last part of the book the justice it deserves. I also must put up a spoiler for you lot as well, for I will be going over parts in the book as well.
The beginning of this movie started off well; right where we left off in the last movie. Harry, Ron, and Hermione talk to Griphook about their plan to break into Gringotts to get a horcrux, and they speak to Ollivander about Wand Lore. This is where the movie doesn't stray all that much from the book and I really enjoyed myself through this bit of footage as the gang make their way through the vaults, find the horcrux, and then escape the hoards of goblins coming for them with the help of a blind dragon.
Once they apparate to Hogsmeade though...it's like Steve Kloves just threw the book out the window and wrote his own version of the rest of the novel; the "What If?" version.
Honestly, I understand that when books are turned into movies, not everything can go in, that liberties must be taken. This has happened with every Harry Potter movie and I've been fine with it because the essence of the book still lived within each movie. But this?!
The movie starts off with them going to Gringotts and goes on from there, which is the last 205 pages of the book. That's it. 205 pages. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone was 309, that's about 100 page difference. And at 130 minutes, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 is actually the shortest HP film ever. The longest is Chamber of Secrets at 161, so why couldn't the filmmakers bother making this movie just a little bit longer in order to add a bit more of the book to the movie and give the HP films a proper send off? Why did they need to change/get rid of the best parts of the book and add in new stuff that wasn't needed?
Harry and Voldemort going off of a cliff and taking a joy ride through Hogwarts before crashing into the entrance to the Great Hall? Not needed
Harry, Ron, and Hermione weaving their way through the stairs while they try to kill Nagini with Basilisk fangs for a good few minutes? Not needed. In the book it was just a simple Neville-takes-sword-out-of-hat-and-slices-off-Nagini's-head. A little can go a long way.
And the biggest disappointment of all, the scene that I was looking forward to the most and seriously thought there couldn't be any way they could change it: the final battle between Harry and Voldemort. The movie completely destroyed this scene. What was supposed to be Harry's triumphant "Ah ha!" moment, where he completely psychs out Tom Riddle as they circle around each other in the Great Hall like vultures as everyone looks on, gone. People were fighting in the Great Hall all right, but Harry and Voldemort were just outside attacking each other with red and green streams of light until the moment they both realize the last horcrux is gone. Then, Harry just simply overpowers Tom's "Avada Kedavra" and Voldemort disintegrates into flesh confetti.
And the next scene? Harry just walks into the Great Hall and everyone acts like nothing happened.
Harry was supposed to explain to Voldemort why the Elder Wand wasn't working for him. It's probably one of the most intense scenes in the book. Just picture Harry and Voldemort circling each other-even if it's not in the Great Hall, but outside like in the movie-and Daniel Radcliffe says this:
"You still don't get it, Riddle, do you? Possessing the wand isn't enough! Holding it, using it, doesn't make it really yours. The wand chooses the wizard...The Elder Wand recognized a new master before Dumbledore died, someone who never even laid a hand on it. The new master removed the wand from Dumbledore against his will, never realizing exactly what he had done, or that the world's most dangerous wand had given him it's allegiance...The true master of the Elder Wand was Draco Malfoy" (pg. 742)
The first time I ever read this in the novel, I had to stop and put it down for a second to take in this revelation. You realize before Voldemort does that Harry disarmed Draco, that he is the owner of the Elder Wand. Now, picture Daniel Radcliffe saying this to Lord Voldemort and tell me that you get chills down your spine reading this:
"So it all comes down to this, doesn't it? Does the wand in your hand know its last master was Disarmed? Because if it does...I am the true master of the Elder Wand" (pg 743).
Are you getting chills? I do every time I read this bit, it's absolutely brilliant and they didn't put it in the movie!
Other scenes that they completely took out or changed: No Ravenclaw Common Room and Harry's lack of Invisibility Cloak usage.
Again, these were parts in the novel I was most excited to see! When Harry and Luna sneak into the Ravenclaw Common Room using his Invisibility Cloak in order for him to get a proper look at what the lost diadem looks like. One Carrow is attacked, another tries to break in, and Harry reveals to everyone that he is back when one of the Carrows spits in Professor McGonagall's face and Harry knocks him out with a spell.
Simple, would've only taken a few minutes, they could've easily shortened Harry's scene with Helena Ravenclaw in the movies. Having Harry chase Helena around trying to get her to tell him where the diadem is hidden? Waste of perfectly good minutes.
The other scene again involves the final battle scene, but this one is just prior to Harry and Voldemort dueling. It's when Harry is pronounced dead and Riddle is mocking everyone.
In the aftermath of Neville killing Nagini, Harry (in the book) covers himself with his Invisibility Cloak and protects his fellow classmates unbeknownst to Voldemort. It is after Molly Weasley kills Bellatrix Lestrange, and Voldemort tries to kill her that Harry puts up a shield between him and once again reveals to everyone that he is back.
Then the circling of vultures begins...why couldn't the filmmakers include this? Why did Molly's duel with Bellatrix have to be some random short scene? While it was enjoyable and I will always applaud Molly Weasley for saying those memorable words (which I won't put here in case of younger children, but you all know what she said), that scene could've been above and beyond amazing.
Phew, I think my rant is over. Any of you still with me?
Do not worry folks, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. While I will always be disappointed that those scenes weren't put in, there are some very important, heart-wrenching scenes that were left in the movie. Scenes that I am grateful for and are probably what saved this movie for me (besides the amazing acting, special effects, and score of course. Those are a given in every Harry Potter film).
The Prince's Tale was both sad and moving (although it didn't bring me to tears, it was still sad). I think Severus Snape is one of the most complex characters in this series (he's up there with Dumbledore). JK Rowling really knows how to take you for a ride and I seriously believed in my heart that Snape was a bad guy and irredeemable for killing my beloved Professor. To find out that he was in love with Lily Potter, and always had been...blew me away. I was not expecting that at all in the book and I really liked how the movie added in it's own piece to the tale: Snape visiting Godric's Hallow after the incident and holding Lily as he and Harry both cry in the room (see I like some of the liberties they take!).
The other, like the final battle scene in the book, gave me chills, but for a very different reason. The Resurrection Stone scene. I get emotional every time I read that passage, and in the movie that was the only scene where I had to keep myself together and hold back the tears. Harry asking Sirius if it hurts to die and that LINE!!! The line that even now I cannot write because it makes me so emotional and I won't do it justice.
If they didn't put this into the movie, I would've left the theater right there in then with the rest of the people heading for the door. There's no way anyone could leave this out, and I am so thankful that they kept this in. This scene in the Forbidden Forest was perfectly done, word for word from the text.
I am almost done (some of you are probably rejoicing, I know this is very long and I apologize), but I have to say, that if you have not read the book-again I BEG YOU-PLEAD WITH YOU-do it! I know it may seem daunting, but you will thank me when you finish. You'll find out more about Dumbledore and get the epic battle scene you missed. And-for those who have seen the movie-you'll find out how Fred met his end and you'll be introduced to Teddy Lupin who sadly was only mentioned for a second on the screen.
Thank you all for staying with me. I hope this all makes sense when I post. Please feel free to discuss and argue with me in the comments. I look forward to it! :)
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