Sunday, May 8, 2011


I would first like to apologize to our loyal readers. I have not been putting up any posts lately and I am deeply sorry for it. But, I'm sure that many of you can understand that school needs to come first. So, my next bit of information is I'm DONE - until the fall. Yay!
Okay now, I have two reviews for you loyal readers. The first is in regards to "The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide" and the other is in regards to "Water for Elephants" (the book and the movie).
I have been waiting for this book since it was announced that it would be coming out. I love reading character backgrounds and that was one of the major points for the book. It has other interesting features including: a timeline, an interview with Stephenie Meyer (I must admit that I only glanced over this section), and information regarding the cars in the series and the music Stephenie Meyer used as inspiration. There are other features as well and I'm sure you can look up the book to find out more. But, my review of the book is that it's interesting and better written then the books themselves - I agree with buffyrules01 that the books are lacking in grammatical correctness and a lack of explanation for literature, but it's an interesting story to me and I tend to ignore grammatical errors while I'm reading because I'd rather just enjoy the book. My review for this book is to check it out if you are even remotely interested. It's interesting and it helps clear up some of the confusion that present themselves in the book.

I read the book "Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen before I went to see the movie. I wanted to see the movie because I wanted to watch Robert Pattinson in something besides "Twilight" - I think all of the Twilight actors and actresses do better work in movies other than Twilight. My review for the movie... eh, it wasn't terrifically awesome but it wasn't horrible. Although, at one point in the movie I wanted to desperately leave because it was boring and wasn't following the book well. I suggest reading the book more than I suggest seeing the movie. But the choice is up to you.

Those are my reviews and while they might seem a little vague they are what I think. Until next time loyal readers....

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