Moving on!
So...Twilight, a word that now makes me cringe regardless of whether or not it's referred to the series or the time of day.
Several years ago, I too was reading this series and I admit, I liked it at the time. What happened to make me change sides you ask? The answer is very simple: I woke up.
I originally read this series back before it exploded into the craziness it is now, and way back before Twi-Hards were getting their knickers in a twist over everything. I was a naive high schooler who didn't know any better and was trying to get everyone I knew to read this series.
Fast forward through college and I'm now trying to prevent people from reading it. Why? Because it is not quality literature. College opened my eyes to the proper usage of grammar, and let's face it, Twilight has some serious issues when it comes to that front. I physically cannot read the books anymore-it's too painful! The series is now hidden away somewhere in a tub inside my house.
It's not just the grammar that bothers me though. I can't for the life of me figure out why Stephenie Meyer couldn't take the time to explain things within her novels properly. Or to do some research. I'm sorry, but if it takes three months to write a novel of that length and quantity, then something must be wrong. It took JK Rowling five years just to write the first Harry Potter novel-five! And just look at the difference between the two series: you have one with quality writing, wonderful characters, a completely unique made up world that follows it's own set of laws...and then you have Twilight, where not even Port Angeles is depicted correctly.
Now, don't get me wrong. I do think that what Stephenie Meyer has been able to achieve as a stay at home mom is great. The fact that she found the time to even write a novel of that length is amazing-but after the success of the first novel, I think she should've learned more about the craft of creative writing to make each of sequels afterwards better. Instead what we end up with is Breaking Dawn: what is considered by many fans to be the worst and the most disappointing of the saga. Some even go as far to say that it reads like a bad fanfiction. At some points, I'd have to say I agree with them.
I could go on and on about the issues I have with this series right now, but I'm going to save that for later. As we dive into this series and go through everything, you will all see both sides of the spectrum.
I hope you all enjoy what we have in store for you!
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