Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Phenomenon known as...

Yes...we're bringing THIS up. Instead of doing a segment on Buffy, we've decided to hold off on it for awhile and switch things up by giving you the phenomenon known as the Twilight Saga.

Most of you (unless you've been living under a rock) have heard of this series, and I'm going to take a guess and say that either you've read the books, watched the movies, or you're completely Anti-Twilight and refuse to involve yourself in either. Well, what we're going to do for this is involve all of you. I myself happen to be a Twilight fan, Random is sort of in the middle, and Buffyrules has completely gone to the dark side-she's our Anti-Twilight and refers to those "Twi-Hards" as "Pysch-Wards."

Now, I am certainly not a "Twi-Hard" and neither is Random. I was introduced to the Twilight world right before the first movie came out when one of my roommates, our very own Buffyrules before she turned, thought it would be a great idea to go see the movie when it came out. Before I'd met Buffyrules, vampires used to terrify me; but once she introduced me to Buffy; I was hooked! I agreed to watch the movie, but opted to read the books before seeing it so that I could be on the same page as Buffyrules and my other roommates. By the time Twilight came out in theaters, I had finished the entire series, and I was a fan.

Years have gone by and I still enjoy reading the series, but I can see now why certain people may not enjoy the books as others do.

For the next few weeks, us ladies of Random Fangdom will be bringing you everything we know, love (and hate) about the Twilight series. There aren't going to be any biases, we've all read the series so we're not just judging the book by it's cover, so buckle your seat belts and enjoy the ride! Everyone is welcome: Twilighters, Twi-Hards (just don't go crazy on us), the Anti-Twilights, and even those people who are still trying to decide which side to be on.

We welcome you all!
                                                                                            ~ scarc91989

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