What's this? I'm posting on a Thursday and it isn't even sundown? Don't panic, I'm just doing this because I have an announcement to make; this will be the only time anything is ever posted when it is not dark out.
There will be a slight change to Creature Feature. It will no longer be posted every Saturday; instead, it will be posted at random and it will not be written by ScarC1989. I will be taking up the challenge while ScarC persues other parts of the Fangdom-so keep a weathered eye out for her! The Creature Feature on werewolves will be finished with ScarC and she will be joined by our very own Buffyrules01. No worries, folks, Buffyrules will still be doing her mythology every Wednesday until her research dries up; then it too will show up at random times.
Buffyrules would also like to inform all the vampire fans that she has not turned to the other side by writing about werewolves, she is still a vampire loyalist in her undead heart and as dark as ever.
Expect great things this month. New columns will be showing up to quench your eternal thirst.
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