Monday, May 30, 2011

And Here We....Go

Well, I hope everyone is having a great three-day weekend. Today's post is on the background and basics (and I really mean basics) of the story of Twilight. We've all heard of it, most of us have either read it or plan on never reading it, so this is just going to be a little snippet along with some other things we're adding to the Fangdom.

Girl moves to a new state

Girl goes to school

Girl meets boy at school

Boy glares at girl

Girl glares at boy

Boy saves girl from van

Boy saves girl from creepers

Girl falls for boy

Boy is a vampire

Boy wants to eat her

Girl finds this romantic regardless

Boy watches her sleep

Girl and boy decide that they are together

Boy introduces girl to family

Vampires come and want to eat the girl

Boy tries to protect girl, but girl is too stubborn

Girl goes to Phoenix with Boy's fake bro and sis

Girl finds out that evil vamp has her mom

Girl escapes fake bro and sis to save mom

Girl finds out that it was all fake

Girls gets the crap kicked out of her by vamp

Vamp bites girl

Girl is dying

Boy comes and kills vamp

Boy saves girl

Girl wants to be vamp

Boy says no


On a more serious note, the idea of Twilight came to Stephenie Meyer through a dream where she dreamt about Edward and Bella sitting in a beautiful meadow and Edward tells Bella that he loves her, but he is a vampire and wants to kill her as well. That dream became the 13th chapter of Twilight and in just three months, Meyer finished the first Twilight novel.

In other news, we've come up with a new segment for the Fangdom called "I Do Doodle, You Do Doodle Too" where we will be accepting your drawings (no matter how crappy or amazing) of your favorite, least favorite, down right hilarious scenes from whatever supernatural/mythical form of entertainment you can think of.

Our first one below was done by our very own Buffyrules01 and it's pretty obvious where this is from and why she chose to doodle it:
Buffyrules01 would like to note that she does know that Twilight vampires don't have fangs, but she doesn't care.

So send us your doodles at our e-mail address: (remember to leave out the "G")

Have a great Memorial Day! -Random

Sunday, May 8, 2011


I would first like to apologize to our loyal readers. I have not been putting up any posts lately and I am deeply sorry for it. But, I'm sure that many of you can understand that school needs to come first. So, my next bit of information is I'm DONE - until the fall. Yay!
Okay now, I have two reviews for you loyal readers. The first is in regards to "The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide" and the other is in regards to "Water for Elephants" (the book and the movie).
I have been waiting for this book since it was announced that it would be coming out. I love reading character backgrounds and that was one of the major points for the book. It has other interesting features including: a timeline, an interview with Stephenie Meyer (I must admit that I only glanced over this section), and information regarding the cars in the series and the music Stephenie Meyer used as inspiration. There are other features as well and I'm sure you can look up the book to find out more. But, my review of the book is that it's interesting and better written then the books themselves - I agree with buffyrules01 that the books are lacking in grammatical correctness and a lack of explanation for literature, but it's an interesting story to me and I tend to ignore grammatical errors while I'm reading because I'd rather just enjoy the book. My review for this book is to check it out if you are even remotely interested. It's interesting and it helps clear up some of the confusion that present themselves in the book.

I read the book "Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen before I went to see the movie. I wanted to see the movie because I wanted to watch Robert Pattinson in something besides "Twilight" - I think all of the Twilight actors and actresses do better work in movies other than Twilight. My review for the movie... eh, it wasn't terrifically awesome but it wasn't horrible. Although, at one point in the movie I wanted to desperately leave because it was boring and wasn't following the book well. I suggest reading the book more than I suggest seeing the movie. But the choice is up to you.

Those are my reviews and while they might seem a little vague they are what I think. Until next time loyal readers....

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bring on the Anti's

I should probably put up a disclaimer before I write anything else: I am the Anti-Twilight, so there may be some slight bashing in this post. I don't mean to offend anyone who is a fan of Twilight, I'm just stating my opinion; that's all. If you want some Twilight lovin', see the previous post.

Moving on!

So...Twilight, a word that now makes me cringe regardless of whether or not it's referred to the series or the time of day.

Several years ago, I too was reading this series and I admit, I liked it at the time. What happened to make me change sides you ask? The answer is very simple: I woke up.

I originally read this series back before it exploded into the craziness it is now, and way back before Twi-Hards were getting their knickers in a twist over everything. I was a naive high schooler who didn't know any better and was trying to get everyone I knew to read this series.

Fast forward through college and I'm now trying to prevent people from reading it. Why? Because it is not quality literature. College opened my eyes to the proper usage of grammar, and let's face it, Twilight has some serious issues when it comes to that front. I physically cannot read the books anymore-it's too painful! The series is now hidden away somewhere in a tub inside my house.

It's not just the grammar that bothers me though. I can't for the life of me figure out why Stephenie Meyer couldn't take the time to explain things within her novels properly. Or to do some research. I'm sorry, but if it takes three months to write a novel of that length and quantity, then something must be wrong. It took JK Rowling five years just to write the first Harry Potter novel-five! And just look at the difference between the two series: you have one with quality writing, wonderful characters, a completely unique made up world that follows it's own set of laws...and then you have Twilight, where not even Port Angeles is depicted correctly.

Now, don't get me wrong. I do think that what Stephenie Meyer has been able to achieve as a stay at home mom is great. The fact that she found the time to even write a novel of that length is amazing-but after the success of the first novel, I think she should've learned more about the craft of creative writing to make each of sequels afterwards better. Instead what we end up with is Breaking Dawn: what is considered by many fans to be the worst and the most disappointing of the saga. Some even go as far to say that it reads like a bad fanfiction. At some points, I'd have to say I agree with them.

I could go on and on about the issues I have with this series right now, but I'm going to save that for later. As we dive into this series and go through everything, you will all see both sides of the spectrum.

I hope you all enjoy what we have in store for you!
