Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hillywood Show

Hey everyone,
I know it's been a long time since any of us last posted but things are busy. Anyways, I'm not sure how many of you have heard of the "Hillywood Show" but it is an awesome group that does parodies of big movies/T.V. series like Twilight, Harry Potter, and Vampire Diaries. Anyways, I'm including a link to the Breaking Dawn part I parody for you to enjoy. Until next time... this is scarc91989 signing out.

Monday, December 26, 2011


There was a post on here that was about my surgery. To those of you that read it, I apologize for the randomness. To those of you that didn't read it, well I apologize anyways. It has been removed and I am going to be more careful where I post my personal stuff. At least I'll wait until I'm not loopy from the anesthesia or pain meds before I post to a blog. By everyone!

A Gift for the Anti's

Since it's the holiday season and Christmas has come and gone, I thought I would give my fellow Anti-Twilighters and the rest of you a little gift.

A few weeks ago I came across a Tumblr called "Reasoning with Vampires," which has completely changed my life since I found it and I absolutely adore everything about this website.

Basically what the person running the Tumblr is doing is going through each of the Twilight novels in turn and pointing out everything that's wrong with it in a comical manner. She's just finished New Moon and will soon be starting on Eclipse.

Seriously, this girl is a genius and I love her sense of humor. So please!! Go to her Tumblr! It's absolutely brilliant!


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Movie Review

I offer my apologies for not writing as often as I can... I just haven't had anything to write about until today. As many of you readers know, part one of Breaking Dawn was released on November 18th. It is now the 19th and I have seen it three times. (This is both good - it allows me to feel comfortable enough to leave a review - and bad - I've seen it three times in less than 48 hours.) For my review, I will give you what I didn't like, what I liked, neutral (don't hate, but not favorite) parts, and an overall thought. Warning... possible SPOILERS.

Dislikes: The wolf telepathy was weird but understandable on how they did it the way they did. The wolves also looked better in Eclipse (my opinion) then they do in Breaking Dawn.

Neutral: The dialogue in some scenes. There is plenty of "cheese" to go around. The pacing of the movie. It felt like it went really, really fast... it didn't feel like a two hour movie at all the first time I watched it. The second time it kind of did. The third time, since I had seen it about four hours prior, was somewhat torture-some even though I enjoyed the movie again. There is an extra scene after the credits that was okay. I only watched it the first time because it was 'eh' to me.

Likes: I enjoyed this movie. The wedding scene was gorgeous. I liked the wedding dress. It was simple, elegant and beautiful. It fit Bella; her personality, her body, etc.... Poor Charlie. Jessica is annoying. Alice/Jasper (Ashley/Jackson) can really dance. Emmett's toast is awesome. Charlie's toast is hilarious. The Sue and Charlie interaction is cute. The Jacob/Bella dance is beautiful.
The honeymoon was handled tastefully. Bill Condon really gets props for the re-edited version of this (it originally got an R-rating and the "sex" scenes were part of the problem... apparently, because of noises). The main 'sex' scene comes across more as a flashback. Bella's attempts at seduction are funny. Especially the first one.
The pregnancy/birth. I'm just going to say that the CGI/SFX/make-up on Kristen (Bella) were awesome! She really looked sick. The birth scene, itself, was horrible. It was intense but not graphic.
The minor changes that take place in this movie. There are few but lots of reviews by fans are pointing them out. The wolves are supposed to run faster than the vampires. They were made to destroy them. It makes sense that they outrun them. Alice being attacked by a wolf makes sense too. She can't see them, her only fighting method (really) is gone. The wolf fight towards the end... while it's not in the book we don't really know how that things gained from it happened. And Stephenie Meyer was one of the producers on this movie... she had to approve it.
The imprinting scene. I like when Jacob falls to his knees.

Overall: I liked this movie. It was good. There's vampire speed in this movie... for once in the series it seems. There's comic relief (mainly Emmett). And, the movies are tied together. Music from Twilight is used in this one. Bella's lullaby comes back. The prom song is used. And, the acting is better than the other movies.
But, alas, you cannot judge what you have not experienced. So, if you want to judge/understand the movie. You have to go see it for yourself. :) I'd suggest it. It's good.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Introducing Emmett!

            Oh Emmett, the fun-loving member of the Cullen family. The gigantic teddy bear that is a fierce protector of those he loves. The one that needs to be involved in the action in order to feel of use. Emmett’s back story is very briefly touched on in chapter fourteen of Twilight. In The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide we learn that Emmett grew up in Tennessee where he hung out “with a crowd that drank, gambled, and womanized” (pg. 115 - 116). But even though he hung out with the wrong crowd, Emmett helped take care of his “large, Scotch-Irish family by being an excellent hunter and woodsmen” (pg. 115 - 116). When Emmett was finally able to control himself, Edward - after reading his thoughts on wishing to provide for his family in some way - gave him “a small fortune” (pg. 118) that Emmett then placed on his family’s doorstep. After doing this he didn’t look back.
            Emmett is one of my favorite secondary characters. He is the comic-relief in the series. When things get tense he’s there to say, or do, something that lightens the situation for a brief second. Kellan Lutz portrays him in the movies and I think that Kellan does a good job portraying Emmett. If you are interested in reading about Emmett’s back story in more detail, Stephenie Meyer has an outtake on her website. The URL for the direct link to the back story is .

Works Cited
Meyer, Stephenie. The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide. New York: Little, Brown      and Company. 2011. Print. 114 - 118.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Review for the Anti's...

...and those of you who like Twilight, but know that it isn't exactly the best written series in the world.

I'd like to introduce you all to Nightlight: A Parody.

Yes, it's a parody of Twilight.

Written by the National Lampoon, Nightlight tells the story of Belle Goose as she arrives in Switchblade, Oregon, looking for adventure in all the wrong places. On her first day of school, Belle comes across Edwart Mullen, a boy with "reddish, blonde-brown hair that was groomed heterosexually" (13). After a few strange events that really aren't that strange (Edwart won't eat his potatoes at lunch, he saves her from a flying snowball), Bella believes that she is absolutely certain of three things:

First, Edwart was most likely [her] soul mate, maybe.

Second, there was a vampire part of him--which [she] assumed was wildly out of his control--that wanted [her] dead.

And third, [she] unconditionally, irrevocably, impenetrably, heterogenously, gynecologically, and disreputably wished he had kissed [her]

-Chapter 6

This book is an easy read, only 154 pages, and had me laughing from the first page onward. I honestly believe that people who despise Twilight will like this book, and people who like Twilight will like this book because it is just THAT funny!

The writers take everything that was a bit off in Twilight, like the fact that every boy who meets Bella falls in love with her, and take it to the extreme. Belle Goose believes that every boy who talks to her, gives her mail, looks at her, or runs her over MUST be in love with her.

And Edwart Mullen? Isn't a vampire at all! He's a nerdy human boy who has issues with germs and girls, but is (oddly enough) very good looking. These quirks naturally make Belle Goose curious, and without a second thought she assumes that Edwart must a vampire and hilarity ensues.

The writers even go so far as to joke about what happens in New Moon.

"Isn't it a little soon to cut yourself off from the rest of your peers, depending on a boyfriend to satisfy your social needs as opposed to making friends? Imagine what would happen if something forced that boy to leave! I'm imagining pages and pages would happen--with nothing but the names of the month on them" (Charlie, Ch 6).

And of course they use adjectives excessively, which is one of Stephenie Meyer's faults in the Twilight Saga.

I absolutely adore this book, and would highly recommend this to anyone regardless of whether or not they're Anti-Twilight or a full blown Twilight fanatic. It's just pure fun and good for a few laughs. Honestly, even if you're having a bad day, this book will crack you up and bring a smile to your face. It's truly brilliant and comedy at it's best.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Quick Announcement from Random

Hello my fellow readers!

As you can probably tell, the month of Harry Potter is over and we are back to our usual randomness. Since we did not finish with our reviews from Harry Potter, those will show up at random over the course of the year along with our character spotlights and all that other good stuff.

I would also like to announce that at the end of this month, our real lives will be taking over and I'm afraid we won't be able to post as much as we can over the summer. We will try our best to post what we can and I imagine the coming months will be very similar to how they were last year.

Until next time!
